Cat-eLog Right Callichthyidae Right Corydoradinae Right Corydoras (lineage 7)  |  | 

Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Corydoras (lineage 7) sp. (Cw097)   
Common Names CW097, Gulstrejfet Pansermalle (Denmark)
Yellow Brush Cory
Pronunciation kor ee doh rass (lineage seven).
Etymology Cory = helmet, doras = skin. In this case it was incorrectly used to mean armour (cuirasse) instead of skin in allusion to the dual rows of plates that run along the flanks of this genus. 
Down Species Information
Sexing Males are smaller and slimmer. Females grow larger and are much wider which can most easily be observed from above.
Down Habitat Information
Amazon, Middle Amazon (Solimoes), Madeira, Madre de Dios (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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Down Husbandry Information
Furniture Substrate should be fine sand, bordered with driftwood and aquatic plants leaving an open area for them to search for food and swim.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
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ARN ref:1.1.1295.5850
Last Update 2022 Feb 20 13:17 (species record created: 2014 Aug 20 13:05)