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Scientific Name Sturisomatichthys sp. `COLOMBIA`   
Common Name
Etymology (German)Sturio=Sturgeon + (Greek) soma=body + (Greek) -ichthys=fish. 
Down Species Information
Identification Sturisoma and Sturisomatichthys can be difficult to tell apart. Older descriptions of the genera emphasized the length of the snout (elongated in Sturisoma), but this trait is not reliable across species. Recent analyses allow discrimination based on the abdominal plates, fin colors and lateral plates: Sturisoma has its central abdominal plates arranged in three clearly-defined longitudinal series; all fins (except sometimes pectoral fins) lack dark spots; and 20–21 lateral plates in median series. Sturisomatichthys has its central abdominal plates less organized, not arranged in clearly-defined longitudinal series; dark spots usually present on one or more of the dorsal-, pectoral-, pelvic, or anal-fins; and 15–18 lateral plates in median series. Furthermore, to date all Sturisoma are cis-Andean; most (but not all) Sturisomatichthys are trans-Andean.

This species appears to have a very variable pattern indeed. It is possible the more reticulated, finer pattern belongs to mature males, and the lower contrast, lesser pattern to females; but even within these parameters, the pattern varies widely.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Imported from Colombia.
Down Husbandry Information
Breeding Has been bred in captivity.
Breeding Reports There are 2 breeding reports, read them all here.
Down Further Information
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Last Update 2010 Jul 09 15:22 (species record created: 2006 Nov 12 11:23)